James, Founder
James launched The Stem in October 2019, after battling with mental health challenges during his previous Investment Banking career.
Immersing himself in nature was key to his recovery and he wanted to create a business that would allow others to build their own connection with plants and nature. The Stem has since grown rapidly into one of the UK’s leading providers of plants online and prides itself on its sustainable practices.
James, Founder
The Stem had cash in the bank and the business was growing steadily, however they believed there was an opportunity to drive their digital advertising harder. They had recently hired a Marketing Manager to focus on online content and ads, but to get the full benefit of their hard work they needed the budget to test and scale faster.
They considered doing a VC round, but knew it would be a big drain on resources and were keen to diversify away from being dependent on giving away equity.
The Stem signed up with Uncapped for a £50,000 advance at the end of 2020. Spending a lot on Facebook creative upfront didn’t make sense when they had a limited budget, now they were free to invest knowing they could scale their spend with ad campaigns as much as needed.
Another £68,000 advance from Uncapped taken several months later helped The Stem achieve their next business milestone.
Use of funds
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